Notes from YOW! 2014: Cameron Barrie on ‘Mobile at Warp Speed’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

A bright photo taken using a slow exposure in a train tunnel, giving the impression of moving at warp speed, such as in the topic of Cameron Barrie's Mobile talk.Cameron Barrie (@whalec), Managing Director and Principle Mobile Consultant at Bilue, spoke on “how to apply solid engineering practices to your mobile applications by understanding common mistakes made, and how to mitigate against the risks.” (Slides)

Mobile: Move Fast

He said it’s crucial to be able to move fast. If you’re not disrupting, you’re probably being disrupted.

You need to be honest about what moving fast means for your organisation: you can’t start with crappy code and processes and just start moving fast. Continue reading

Two REST tips for tackling tricky resource examples

After my post a couple of days ago about the first thing you should know about REST, a friend emailed me with this feedback:

Nice post. It was something I was thinking about just recently and I think I’m guilty of making these mistakes. The example which confused me was verifying a password. I wasn’t sure what HTTP method to use or what the resource was. The request needs to contain a password but doesn’t expect any response other than a 200, does this mean GET is inappropriate?  It doesn’t update anything, unless of course it fails in which case it may update a failed login counter or lock the account. Does this rule out PUT and POST?

Young man in a very uncomfortable hammock, trying hard to pretend to have a REST.Here’s the response I sent him (fleshed out with a little more detail for this blog)…

REST can be easy and REST can be hard

Yep, the examples in my blog were the easy ones. Plenty of hard ones will crop up, where the resource on the server you want to manipulate is not immediately obvious, like the one you’ve pointed out, or where coming up with a good set of URL patterns is not straightforward. As with all things that aren’t easy, spending some extra time on it is usually worth the effort.

Think like a REST Server

I think what can help is to try and think less about what the client is doing (“verifying a password”) and more about what’s happening on the server side. Continue reading

Do you even know the first thing about REST?

A sign saying 'REST AREA', with an arrow pointing up and to the right.It’s not unusual to see examples where people think they are “doing REST”, but are not. A lot of people are trying to use simple web technologies in their microservice architectures, but I suspect there’s a prevalent idea that if you are using HTTP and sending JSON back and forth, you’re doing REST, which is simply not the case. (We’re talking about the Representational State Transfer style of software architecture here, in case you’re lost.)

Spring’s REST

Spring’s Web MVC Framework documentation says in the first paragraph: “With the introduction of Spring 3.0, the @Controller mechanism also allows you to create RESTful Web sites and applications…” Further on, introducing its @RestController interface, it says: “It’s a very common use case to have Controllers implement a REST API, thus serving only JSON, XML or custom MediaType content.” So, does creating a web service using a @RestController-annotated class magically make it a RESTful service?
No. Such no.

Not so REST

The big thing I see developers getting wrong when trying to use web technologies for inter-service communication is that they continue to think about operations. Continue reading

Notes from YOW! 2014: Martin Thompson and Todd L. Montgomery on ‘How Did We End Up Here?’

I attended YOW! Sydney 2014 and thought some people might get something useful out of my notes. These aren’t my complete reinterpretations of every slide, but just things I jotted down that I thought were interesting enough to remember or look into further.

Cows standing in front of a burning barn.Martin Thompson (@mjpt777) and Todd L. Montgomery (@toddlmontgomery) discussed the state of the software industry at YOW! 2014, including “barbequing” a whole herd of sacred cows. (Slides)

A Dr Dobbs 2010 report into IT project success showed a correlation between higher numbers of people on a project and higher rates of failure. Even the best performing methodologies still have >10% failure. Continue reading

Notes from Microservices Talk by Zhamak Dehghani

People have started using honeycombs and hex shapes to depict microservices architectures. Who knows why?A couple of weeks ago, I went along with a couple of other Tyro software engineers to hear Zhamak Dehghani speak about microservices at a “YOW Nights” event, hosted by Optivar and sponsored by ThoughtWorks. It was so good that we asked Zhamak if she’d come into the Tyro office and give a re-run for the whole Engineering team and she kindly obliged. What a legend! Thanks again Zhamak!

I’d already read a lot about microservices (MS), mostly thanks to the excellent pages of links put together by Adrian Rossouw and Matt Stine. Zhamak covered a lot of ground that I was already familiar with, but she also touched on many things that were new and interesting to me, so I thought I would write about a few here. Continue reading

Does Java 8’s lambda capability make Scala obsolete?

How does using Java 8's lambdas compare to writing Scala?I didn’t think anyone would seriously ask this question. However, after yesterday’s post about why your company should let you use Scala at work, which used a simple example showing the use of lambdas in Scala, I had someone write in the comments:

“java 8 equivalent of your example would be identical, no need for Scala…”

and someone else commented on Twitter:

The call to compare against Java 8 is a fair one, so here we go… Continue reading

From the Archive: Why Your Company Should Let You Use Scala at Work

From the archive: Originally written in January 2010, this post from my old blog, Graham Hacking Scala, has been consistently popular ever since and I thought it deserved a new lease on life here…

Java at work: an increasingly frustrating experience

If Raffa wanted to use Scala at work because he thought it would help him win, would you make him use Java?A colleague and I were writing a test in Java today and I had one of those “I can’t believe it takes this much work to write this stupid function” moments. If you do any Scala programming but still do a lot of Java programming, you’ll know exactly what I mean. I’ll walk you through a mock of what we were doing and you can see why Scala just pummels Java when it comes to expressiveness. (Early warning: do not use the word “expressive” when trying to convince your manager to let you use Scala at work.) Continue reading

9 Design Patterns Translated Into Java 8’s Lambdas


There’s been a lot of hype around lambdas getting introduced in Java 8, and I have a good theory on why: hype is often born out of anticipation, and we’ve been anticipating lambdas in Java for a LONG time.


A lambda spray paint pattern, the same design as in Half-LifeThe funny thing is that lambdas don’t, by themselves, do anything new. They’re just a succinct form for turning a block of code into an object that can be passed around – syntactic sugar. Some of us have been doing this for a while without the succinctness and we call it… object-oriented programming! Yes, passing blocks of code (aka functions) around as objects (aka values) is also core to functional programming, but certainly not unique to it.


Somewhere that this idea of “passing code around” is heavily utilised is in Continue reading

RxJava Threading Examples

I recently used RxJava while creating an add-on for Stash, the Git repository management tool from Atlassian. The plugin’s called “Who’s the Expert?” and it analyses commits to a repository to help answer two questions:

  1. “Who has contributed the most to this project over the past few years?” and
  2. “Who has made the most significant changes in recent months?”

A Problem Worthy of RxJava’s Attention

This picture of water drops on the threads of a spider web reminded me of the bubble diagrams the RxJava team uses to explain how values move through the libraryIn order to achieve this, the plugin has to process a lot of data: it pulls all commits on the default branch for the last 2.5 years and analyses the content of every single one. I knew two things about this code in advance: first, there were going to be a lot of steps to go from a repository name to a leaderboard of the most influential committers, and second, I was pretty certain I’d need some multi-threading mojo in order to get it to perform in an acceptable time frame.
Continue reading

Quick Response to “Test-induced Design Damage”

David Heinemeier Hansson wrote an interesting critique of Test Driven Design two days ago. I understand where he’s coming from with his concern that mindlessly shaping all design around tests can (will?) lead to poor design in some areas. It was interesting, and I like to be challenged and think about these things. Personally, I think his extrapolation to proposing “TDD is Dead” is hyperbole. Here are my thoughts on the bits of his blog that jumped out at me…

“But the testing pyramid prescribes that the unit level is where the focus should be, so people are sucked into that by default.”

It’s probably true that some people are sucked into always defaulting to the unit level. The problem with that is the “always”, but the unit level is where the focus should be. Why? Because that is where the complexity lives – in each unit. The reason we separate code into units is to separate complexity into simpler, composable parts. Testing exhaustively at non-unit levels (i.e. by integrating components) requires a combinatorial explosion of tests… or not testing exhaustively (might be a viable option at  your work, but not at a payments company). We use integration tests as well, but I don’t typically use them to prove all facets of functionality, instead only to prove the components integrate correctly and can deliver the core functions.

“Controllers are meant to be integration tested, not unit tested.”

I work in the Java world, not the Rails world, and I completely agree with this. When I started at Tyro, we were writing unit tests for controllers and integrated web tests for the presentation (i.e. JSPs)  of most features as well. The result? All controller code was tested twice. (It’s pretty hard to test a JSP without hitting its controller.) There’s a dirty word to describe this practice: waste. We ditched controller tests a long time ago now and no one has ever missed them. Controllers are still tested, just not by unit tests. From time to time, some logic in a controller might get a bit complex, resulting in more paths than are practical to web test. The solution is easy there: extract that complexity into another class, unit test the complexity, and web test the integration. Controllers should never be complex. A David points out, they are mostly just an adapter layer between models and views. Let any kind of business logic complexity live in there and it’s got two responsibilities. Your goal should be to make controllers so simple that they don’t need unit tests.

“Finally, the fear of letting model tests talk to the database is outdated”

Yes, and no. Yes, there should not be a fear of testing against the database. In fact, there should be a preference towards it. Not testing against real databases (the same ones you’ll use in Production) leaves a big fat layer of assumptions in your app. However, in large systems with lots of database interaction and great test coverage you can quickly max out the build time if you use the database everywhere. My thoughts: have a preference for DB-backed testing, but not at the expense of developer productivity. The team needs to be aware of when the preference is damaging their velocity and find the balance. I’ve written a lot of data-heavy, back-end Java, so mileage with Ruby on Rails may vary (maybe it never becomes a problem).

“Above all, you do not let your tests drive your design, you let your design drive your tests!”

I don’t think it’s this simple. One great advantage of using tests to drive design is that your desire for simple tests commutes to an implementation of simple classes. Yes, you can probably achieve similar outcomes by doing some more thinking or drawing, but test-first is also a useful tool for driving towards this goal. Not the only tool, or a required tool, but a useful tool. I write lots of simple code at home and rarely write tests for it, but recently I found one part I was writing was a bit gnarly so I decided to write a unit test for it. Upon starting to write the test, I found I wasn’t able to because of the design of the code, and when I thought about the design for a second I realised I was mashing several responsibilities into the one place. Tests can drive designs to bad places, but in my experience they more often drive them to good places.

I often re-iterate to my team that testing is primarily about building confidence in the code, and secondly about building a safety net for those who pass this way next. There is no mandate in TDD for writing tests that do not build confidence (do you TDD getter methods?), or for spending hours on tests that increase confidence by small fractions. I think David is right that there are probably zealots out there who are blindly going down these kinds of paths. Perhaps he’s right that some designs are bastardised by having stringent testability requirements, though I don’t recall seeing a lot of this in my travels. So, he’s right that mindlessly shaping all design around tests can have bad effects, but no software developer should be doing anything mindlessly. I think there is value in letting tests shape your design much of the time, so long as one keeps in mind that there will be occasions where the tests have to be shaped by the design instead.

Everything in moderation, right? Including moderation.